(Photo: Krsto Jevtic on Unsplash)
Wetaskiwin is a small city in Alberta only about an hour’s drive from Alberta’s capital city, Edmonton, making it a good place to live if you want to live in a small city while enjoying the perks of being close to a large city.
Living in Wetaskiwin also can be much cheaper than living in Edmonton or Calgary, for example. As stated on Wetaskiwin.ca, Wetaskiwin utilities in 2018 cost about $125.48, lower than the average of $137.54 per month for Alberta municipalities.
Despite the cost of living in Wetaskiwin being lower than larger cities, people living in Wetaskiwin can still find ways to save. People in the city can get the most out of Alberta’s deregulated energy market to compare natural and electricity providers.
Although there are regulated energy providers in the province, people in Wetaskiwin can choose their natural gas and electricity retailers from a wide range of suppliers. In other words, consumers are free to look through the Wetaskiwin electricity and gas providers in order to choose the best rates for themselves.
Read on to learn more about comparing the best energy providers and their rates in Wetaskiwin. This could help you find the best energy plan for your home or business.
Wetaskiwin utilities – selecting the right energy plan
Before you look into what electricity and natural gas providers are available to you, you may want to consider your energy consumption and the kind of plan would suit your usage best.
For example, fixed-rate plans offer you the ability to pay the same price for every kWh of electricity or unit of natural gas you use for a specified duration, which depends on the contract you sign. This would be the ideal plan for people that use a predictable amount of energy each month, as it would make budgeting easy.
Examples of fixed-rate providers include Encor by EPCOR and Enmax. If you don’t choose a retailer for your energy services, then you’re provided your natural gas and electricity via the rate of last resort (ROLR) for the region. The price for the last resort option is updated every two years, which will be determined when the rate will come into effect on January 1st, 2025, until December 31st, 2026. Within 90 days of providing service, the company that provides the rate of last ressort will need to confirm if customers want to sign at a competitive rate or remain on the ROLR, so there is lots of opportunity to get a better rate against a more stable last resort rate.
Examples of regulated rate providers in Alberta include Enmax, Direct Energy and EPCOR. So, it’s important to figure out what’s your priority: Financial stability or taking risks to save as much as possible.
Compare electricity and natural gas rates in Wetaskiwin
Now that you know that you’re free to choose your own electricity and natural gas provider in Wetaskiwin, you may want to compare the cheapest natural gas and electricity rates in Wetaskiwin.
EnergyRates.ca can be of great help for this purpose. The website is a free, unbiased cost-comparison tool that will allow you to compare the lowest energy rates in Wetaskiwin and other Alberta cities. Comparing energy prices with EnergyRates.ca is quick and easy – all you need to do is fill in your postal code and check the list of providers available in your area, as well as their rates.
Small business, small commercial, large commercial and industrial electricity and natural gas consumers can get a free custom quote based on their energy needs. The comparison will detail the best available energy plans to make your business operations more affordable.