Save on Energy is a site maintained by the Independent Electricity System Operator (IESO) which provides information on how to save energy, as well as an ever-changing list of energy conservation programs that incentivize residents and business owners in Ontario to cut their energy usage.
Financial Incentives and Benefits
Offers vary over time, so it’s a good idea to check back occasionally to see what offers are current available. Offers are divided into residential and business, with benefits including coupons, special programs to apply to, financial incentives, and more.
For instance, homeowners can currently apply for up to $650 in rebates by installing a high-efficiency heating and cooling system in their home.
Qualifying businesses have access to a wider range of programs and offers, such as retrofit programs, audit funding, and more.
Energy Saving Information
Save on Energy is also designed to provide information on ways to save energy by changing habits and using more energy efficient products. Some information is provided in the form of an Energy Efficiency Tips & Tools interactive presentation, while on Toronto Hydro’s residential conservation page, there are a number of blog posts and other more in-depth articles about how to save.
The site can be a little unwieldy at times, so it’s recommended that you really take some time to explore the site. It’s likely that your patience will pay off, literally and figuratively.