A lot of people underestimate the importance of maintenance when it comes to their heating and cooling systems. Once they are installed, and as long as they keep working, everything is golden, right? Not quite. HVAC systems are out of sight, but just because you can’t see a problem forming doesn’t mean it isn’t impacting the way your system operates. The fact that you can’t see that your car is out of oil without popping the hood doesn’t mean you aren’t going to blow your engine; and your heating and cooling systems are no different. However, beyond preventing large-scale disasters that could leave your home or business inoperable until things get repaired, providing regular maintenance on your HVAC systems can actually end up lowering your gas bills and saving you costs on energy.
Taking care of your HVAC system.
HVAC (your heating, ventilation, and air conditioning system) is designed to provide thermal regulation while improving indoor air quality, and it’s everywhere. HVAC operates in residential homes, apartment buildings, hotels, retirement homes and senior living facilities, industrial and office buildings, hospitals, onboard vessels—anyplace where temperature and humidity conditions need to be improved using fresh, outdoor air, HVAC is operating to improve health and safety conditions. But it’s a complex system—it operates based on principles of thermodynamics, fluid mechanics, and heat transfer—and it can only work well at improving temperature control, replenishing oxygen, and removing moisture, odors, smoke, heat, dust, airborne bacteria, carbon dioxide, and other gases if it is regularly maintained. Regular maintenance ensures the system can continue to operate effectively, and that can go a long way towards lowering your gas bills and saving you more on energy.
How can maintaining your HVAC system help?
It may not seem like much, but it isn’t very different from providing regular maintenance to your car. Regular oil changes can keep things from building up in your engine, and that can protect your car from bigger and more costly expenses in the long run. Regularly maintaining your HVAC system has the same benefits. By preventing the dirt, moisture, and contaminants that the system is filtering out from building up within the system itself, you can improve the longevity of your system and prevent more expensive repairs—and you’ll prevent any downtime that may be required as a result of a big break that could have been prevented. It’s the key to keeping your HVAC system, as well as your home or business, up and operational. That isn’t the only reason you should perform regular maintenance on your HVAC system. It has also been proven that regular maintenance can lower your gas bills and other energy costs by up to 40 per cent. Simply keeping all of the parts working properly and preventing buildup within the system can keep it operating efficiently, and that can make a big impact on your energy bill.
Where can you go for regular maintenance?
There are a number of HVAC repair services, and there are even energy providers who have HVAC maintenance services available. For instance, Direct Energy offers home services that include HVAC repair and maintenance. For more information about your current energy provider, or to learn about other providers who offer HVAC repair and maintenance services that could help you lower your gas bills and other energy costs, compare your providers at EnergyRates.ca today.